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ASHFORD ENG 121 Week 1 DQ 1 Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing
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BSHS 452 COMPLETE COURSE Program Design and Proposal Writing UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX
CJA 343 Week 3 Individual Assignment Personal Crimes Analysis
ACCT205 Principals of Accounting Unit 4 Individual Project
CHM 110 (Week 5) Learning Team Assignment / Virtual ChemLab Assignment 1-4 *
ETH/125 ***New*** Version 7 Week 2 Implicit Association Test
OPS 571 Week 5 Process Improvement Plan
EDU 390 Week 1 Individual Reflection Paper on Becoming a Teacher
ECE 201 Week 2 Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study
NUR 440 Week 5 Individual Assignment Vulnerable Population in the Workplace Project with Brochure
PHI 208 Week 3 DQ1
FIN 375 Week 3 Pro-Forma and Business Cycle Research Paper
PHI 208 Week 4 Quiz
ENGL 102 Poetry Essay- The Road Not Taken
MAT 222 Week 3 Assignment Real World Radical Formulas
SCI 209 Week 5 Individual Assignment The Flow of Energy

NTC 360 Entire class (Network and Telecommunications Concepts)
BSOP 334 Week 2 CheckPoint
ACC 561 Week 4 IA Costing Methods Paper
MGT 230 Week 1 Dq 1
MGT 521 Week 4 Business Analysis Part I
HUMN 303 Entire Course
ASHFORD MHA 601 Week 4 DQ 3 Abuses and Unethical Behavior in Health Care
ISCOM 352 Week 2 Individual Assignment Integrated Supply Chain Report
ACC 564 WK 8 Quiz 3
ACC 460 COMPLETE COURSE Government and Non-Profit Accounting UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX
FIN 467 Week 2 Property Selection Report
ASHFORD BUS 370 Week 4 DQ 2 Self-Managed Work Teams
GM533 Week 5 Checkpoint
MATH 115 Quiz 2; Quiz 3: Quiz 4; 100% Correct Answers
MTE 508 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Instructional Strategies @ KES
SOC 101 Week 4 Discussion 1 Current Social Issues
QNT HC561 Week 4 Individual Assignment Decision of Uncertainty
HRM 587 Week 5 TCO 1 E Discussion Organizational Development Theory and Practices
STR 581 Week 5 Individual Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans

MTH/213 Mathematics for Elementary Educators I – ENTIRE COURSE
MGT 527 Week 1 Individual Assignment Business Consulting Paper
PA 581 Week 3 DQ 1 Benefits Cost Analysis
HUM 100 Week 1 DQ 2
PSY 355 Week 4 Individual Assignment Arousal, Behavior, Stress, and Affect Worksheet
LAW 421 Week 4 Weekly Reflection
MAT 222 Week 3 DQ1
COM 537 Week 1 Individual Assignment Integrated Diffusion Paper
ECO 550 Week 7 DQ2
ECO 561 Week 4 Quiz (12 Correct Answers)
HRM 300 Week 1 Human Resource Management Overview
THEO 104 Discussion Board Forum 1&2
EE372 Lab Assignment Digital Signal Conditioning
SOC 320 Week 4 DQ2
IS471 Computer Forensics Course

ACC 310 ACC310 Full Course (All Assignments, Dq’s) ASHFORD *NEW* A Grade
LAW 421 Week 3 Dq 2
MIS 535 Week 1 DQ 2 Collaborative Culture in Business
ASHFORD EDU 639 Week 6 Final Paper Intercultural Communication Plan for a Multicultural Classroom
ETH 316 Week 5 DQ2
CMGT 410 (Week 5) Supporting Activity 1 *
SEC 493 Week 4 Individual Assignment Retail and Commercial Security Paper
ACC 202 Week 1 Assignment Week One Problems
RDG 530 Week 1 DQ 3
HCS 446 Week 4 Individual Assignment Facility Planning – Part III
ACC 291 All Week 5 Assignments – Individual WileyPlus Assignment
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