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COM 320 (Week 3) Individual Assignment / Creating Effective Messages *
Dennis Carroll from Lincoln was looking for COM 320 (Week 3) Individual Assignment / Creating Effective Messages *

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QNT 351 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Analyzing and Interpreting Data
WEB 434 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Virtual Organization Proposal and Executive Summary and Presentation
ACC 310 Week 1 DQ1
ASHFORD LIB 315 Week 2 Final Project Proposal
PSYCH 504 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Personality Disorder Presentation
theo 104 week 8 quiz
ASHFORD BUS 640 Week 5 DQ 1 Good Will in Price Bidding
CMIS 212 Week 1 Quiz
SOC 101 Week 1 Discussion 1 Sociology Theories
COM 440 (Week 3) Individual Assignment / Invasion of Privacy and Libel Case Study *
ARTS 100 Week 3 Individual Assignment Film or Theater Review
mgt 431 final exam
ASHFORD HIS 204 Week 5 DQ 1 The Age of Reagan
GM588 Course Project
POL 443 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Parties Paper
PA 584 Project Proposal Week 2
NR 305 Week 7 TD 2 Assessing the Nervous System
ASHFORD CRJ 303 Week 2 DQ 2 Privatizing Prisons

ldr 531 week 6
acc 455 week 3 learning team
ECO 365 Week 5 Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Paper
ASHFORD BUS 610 Week 6 Final Paper
ashford university eng 225 final paper
eco 561 week 2
PSY 480 Week 2 Individual Assignment Major Approaches to Clinical Psychology Presentation
PRG 421 Week 4 Individual Assignment – SR-mf-003, Change Request 6
AJS 512 Week 4 Elements of a High Performance Organization Paper
BUS 517 Week 5 DQs
ASHFORD ACC410 Week 1 Assignment Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
mgt 498 final exam
MGMT404 Week 2 Project Selection
MIS 535 Week 1 DQ 2 Collaborative Culture in Business
BUS 402 BUS402 Week 2 Assignment SWOT Analysis
HCS 440 Week 4 Individual Assignment Economic Issues Simulation Paper
CJA 384 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Organized Crime Group Analysis
WEB 236 Week 4 DQ 2
ACC 290 Study Guide 1 – A+
GM520 Midterm Exam 3 Sets
CMGT 554 Week 1 DQ3

PSY 330 Week 3 Assignment Final Project Outline
hca 430 week 5 assignment
EDU 225 Module 6 DQ 2 (GCU)
ASHFORD EDU 321 Week 3 DQ 1 Teaching Strategies
MGT 527 Entire Course: Phoenix University: New Updated Course
PSY 104 Week 5 DQ2
comp 230 week 4 ilab
FIN-515 Managerial Finance, Week 7 Assignment, got 30/30
GLG 220 Week 2 Individual Assignment Plate Tectonics Paper
ENGL 230 Entire Course
ECO 372 Week 2 DQ 1
com200 week 4 quiz
FIN 534 Week 3 Quiz 2

ASHFORD ANT 101 Entire Course Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (NEW UPDATE COURSE)
ELL 240 Week 2 Quiz
SOC 313 Week 1 DQ Psychosocial Issues in Huntington’s Disease
CJA 453 Week 1 Adjusting to Terrorism
CHM/110 Introductory Chemistry Entire Course
acc 423 intermediate financial accounting iii final exam
BCOM 275 Week 2 Individual Assignment Demonstrative Communication Paper
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ACC 201 Week 2 Chapter 4 Problems
BSOP 429 Week 7 DQ 1 Implementation
BSHS 311 Full Course Models of Effective Helping Version 4
MGMT 520 Week 6 You Decide ES
MGT 420 Entire Course (Latest version of syllabus) Graded A
LAW 531 Week 4 Contract Creation and Management Assignment
MGT 300 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Pro Forma
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